1. A more complete review on the methods for producing polarized electrons is given by K. Jost and H.D.Zeman, now Physikalisches Institut, University of Münster, in their unpublished paper “Production of Polarized Electron Beams”. (Stanford HEPL 590,1971). I am very much indebted to this paper, particularly as far as the figures of merit are concerned.
2. K. Jost and J. Kessler, Z. Physik 195, 1 (1966)
3. W. Eitel, K. Jost, and J. Kissler, Z. Physik 209, 348 (1968). Review article: J. Kessler, Rev. Mod. Phys. 4l, 3 (1969)
4. M. Wilmers, R. Haug, and H. Deichsel, Z. angew. Physik 27, 204 (1969)
5. H.D. Zeman, K. Jost, and S. Gilad, Abstracts of the Vllth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Amsterdam 1971, North Holland Publishing Company, p. 1005