1. Augustynek, Z., Wlasnosci czasu [The Properties of Time], Warsaw: PWN, 1970.
2. Augustynek, Z., Natura czasu [The Nature of Time], Warsaw: PWN, 1975.
3. Granin, Danil, Eta strannaia [This Strange Life], Moskva: 1974.
4. Ingarden, Roman, Works, Warsaw, PWN, 1966. See esp. Utwor muzyczny i sprawa jego tozsamosci [Musical Composition and its Identity], Cracov: PWM, 1973; Ksiazeczka o czlowieku [Booklet on Man], Cracov: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1973; also in English: Roman Ingarden and Contemporary Polish Aesthetics, Warsaw: PWN, 1975, and Time and Modes of Being, trans. Michejda, Springfield, 111.: Charles C Thomas Publisher, 1964.
5. Jastrim, M., Walka o slovo [The Battle of Words], Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1973.