1. B. L. Cohen, I. S. Lee: “A Catalog of Risks ” Health Physics, 36, 707 (1979). This paper cites a large number of references to original sources of information.
2. B. L. Cohen: “Perspective on Occupational Risks,” Health Physics, 40, 703 (1981).
3. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, “Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation,” United Nations, New York (1977).
4. B. L. Cohen: “Society’s Valuation of Life Saving,” Health Physics, 38, 33 (1980), This paper cites a large number of references to original sources of information.
5. A. R. Karr : “Saga of the Air Bag,” Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Status Report, November 30 (1976).