1. Hoose, N., “Development and Implementation of the IMPACT Traffic Image Processing Systems”, Proc. 1st World Congress on ATT &IVHS, pp 1277–1284, November 30 – December 3,1994, France.
2. Duckworth G. L., “A Comparative Study of Traffic Monitoring Sensors”, Proc. Of the IVHS America 1994 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 17–20,1994.
3. Daviet, B., J. L. Attia and Fremont G., “Automatic Incident Detection (DAI) Through Video Picture Analysis”, Proc. 1st World Congress on ATT &IVHS, pp 1277–1284, November 30 – December 3,1994, France.
4. IVHS-IDEA Progress Report;DA Whitney,1994
5. IVHS-IDEA Progress Report 1;RL Gustavson,1994