1. Stuart, I.F. “BWR Nuclear Plant Maintenance Simulation” Inst.Nucl.Eng Conf. on Simulation for Nuclear Reactor Technology Paper 3.5. Cambridge 9–11 April, 1984.
2. Jervis, M.W. “Control and Instrumentation of Large nuclear power stations” IEE Proceedings Vol. 131 Pt.A September 1984 pp 481–515.
3. Jenkinson J. “Operator information displays for normal operation and fault management of an AGR” IAEA Seminar on Diagnosis and Response to abnormal accuracy at nuclear power plants. Dresden, June, 1984. Paper IAEA - SR - 105–29.
4. Cacciabue P.C., Tozzi A. “Development of a fast running accident analysis computer program for use in a simulator”. Inst. Nuc. Eng. Conference on Simulation for Nuclear Reactor Technology Paper 4.5. Cambridge 9–11 April 1984.
5. Budd G.C. “The development of full-scope AGR training simulators within the CEGB”. [This volume]