1. Anrep GV. 1912. On the part played by the suprarenals in the normal vascular reactions of the body. J Physiol 45:307–317.
2. Anrep G. 1956. “Studies in Cardiovascular Regulation,” Cooper Lane Medical Lectures. Stanf Univ Pub Med Sci 3:199, 1936. See also: JH Gaddum: Gleb Anrep. Biog Mems Roy Soc 2:18–34.
3. Bayliss WM, Starling EH. 1906. Die chemische Ko-ordination der Funktionen des Körpers. Ergebn Physiol 5 (Abt 2):664–697.
4. Burton AC. 1972. Physiology and Biophysics of the Circulation, 2nd ed. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, p. 153.
5. Chapman C, Mitchell J. 1965. Starling on the Heart. London: Dawsons of Pall Mall. This anthology of the classical Starling papers has useful commentaries on them all.