1. G. J. Lasher and A. B. Fowler, “Mutually quenched injection lasers as bistable devices”, IBM J. Res. and Dev. 8, 471 (1964)
2. A. B. Fowler, “Quenching of GaAs injection lasers” Appl. Phys. Lett. Zj 1, 1963. G. J. Lasher
3. G. J. Lasher Analysis of Proposed Bistable Injection Lasers Solid State Electronics 7, 707, 1964
4. R. W. Keyes and J. A. Armstrong, Appl Opt. 8, 2549 (1969)
5. See, for example, the special issue of Journal of Quantum Electronics on Optical Bistability, edited by Garmire, October, 1985.