1. G. Feinberg, Atomic Physics, ( Plenum Press, 1969 ) p. 1.
2. E.D. Commins, Atomic Physics 2, (Plenum Press, 1971 ) p. 25.
3. see however F.R. Calaprice et. al. Phys.Rev. 190D; 579 (1 974) and R.L. Steinberg et. al. Phys. Rev. Letters 33; 41 (1974) for decay experiments using atoms and neutrons respectively.
4. J.H. Christenson, J.W. Cronin, V. L. Fitch and R. Turley, Phys.Rev. Letters 13; 138 (1964); see also The CP Puzzle: Strange Decays of the Neutral Kaon, P.K. Kabir (Academic Press, 1968 ).
5. R. C. Casella, Phys. Rev. Letters 21; 1128 (1968) and 22; 554 (1969).