1. Wiik, B.H., “Electron-Proton Colliding Beams, the Physics Programme and the machine, proc. 10th SLAC Summer Institute, ed.A.Mosher, 1982, p.233.
2. Proc. 1984 ICFA Seminar on Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics, May 14–20, 1984, KEK, Japan, eds. S.Ozaki, S.Kurokawa, Y.Unno, p. 23.
3. Voss, G.-A., Status of the HERA Project, 12th Int.Conf.High Energy Acc., FNAL, 1983 and DESY-HERA Report 83–25 (1983).
4. Llewellyn-Smith, C.H. and Wiik, B.H., DESY Report 77 /36 (1977).
5. Proc. Study of an ep facility for Europe, ed. U.Amaldi, DESY Report 79/48 (1979);