1. Kavina Y B, Nowrouzi A and Whitaker R A, “Criteria and computer aided testing to evaluate the idling servoing and programmed movement dynamic position accuracy and behaviour of robots”. Second National Conference on Production Research, held at Napier College, Edinburgh, pp 552–567. 584–593, Sept. 1986.
2. Kavina Y B, Nowrouzi A, Whitaker R A, “An investigation on the effect of inter-transducer distance on the voltage-gap relationship of a set of inductive transducers, for robot positional accuracy measurement applications” to be presented at Third National Conference on Production Research, Sept. 1987.
3. McEntire R H, “Three-Dimensional Accuracy Measurement Methods foe Robot” Industrial Robot 3 (3), pp 105–112, Sept. 1976.
4. Ranky P G, “Test method and software for robot qualification” Industrial Robot 11 (2), pp 111–115 June 1984.