1. W. Hafele, J. P. Haldren, G. Kessler, and C. L. Kulcinski, Fusion and Fast Breeder Reactors ,International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria, RR-77-8 (November 1976; Revised July 1977), Chapter IX, pp. 351–436.
2. Fusion Power: Status and Options; Report to Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI ER-510-SR (June 1977), prepared by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.
3. R. L. Jones, T. U. Marston, S. T. Oldberg, and K. E. Stahlkopf, Pressure Boundary Technology Program: Progress 1974 through 1978. Electric Power Research Institute, NP1103-SR (March 1979).
4. R. W. Conn, Magnetic Fusion Reactors, to be published in Fusion ,E. Teller, ed., Academic Press, New York (1980).
5. R. W. Conn, First Wall and Diverter Plate Material Selection in Fusion Reactors, J. Nucl. Mater. ,76 and 78, 103–111 (1978).