1. Applegate, J. E. Some factors associated with attitudes toward deer hunting in New Jersey residents. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 1973, 38, 267–273.
2. Applegate, J. E. Attitudes toward deer hunting in New Jersey: A second look. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1975, 3, 3–7.
3. Applegate, J. E. Dynamics of the New Jersey hunter population. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 1977, 42, 103–116.
4. Applegate, J. E. Attitudes toward deer hunting in New Jersey: A decline in opposition. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1979, 7, 127–129.
5. Arthur, L. M. Measuring public attitudes toward natural resource issues. USDA Economic Research Service Technical Bulletin, No. 1657, 1981.