1. Adams, J. M.: Comparison between the Guthion content of whole grapes and grape juice. Chemagro Rept. No. 5399 (1960). PhotoHuorometric method for the determination of Guthion residues in milk and animal tissues. Chemagro Rept. No. 7075 (1961).
2. Anderson, L. D., and E. L. Atkins, J. R.: Toxicity of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals to honey bees, in laboratory and field tests in Southern California, 1955-1956. J. Econ. Entomol. 51, 103 ( 1958 ). Toxicity of pesticides to honey bees. Bull. Univ. Calif. Agr. Ext. Service (1966).
3. Toxicity of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals to honey bees, field study. Bull. Univ. Calif. Agr. Ext. Service (1967).
4. ANONYMOUS: Guthion technical data sheet. Chemagro Division of Baychem Corporation (1969).
5. Pesticide-wildlife studies. A review of Fish and Wildlife Service investigations during 1961 and 1962. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Circ. 167 (1963).