1. E. P. Bertin, “Solution Techniques in X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis,” Norelco Reptr. 12:15–26, 1965.
2. W. J. Campbell, “Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrographic Analysis of Trace Elements, Including Thin Films,” Am. Soc. Testing and Mater., Spec. Tech. Puhl. 349:48–69, 1964.
3. W. J. Campbell, M. Leon, and J. W. Thatcher, “Solution Techniques in Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrography,” U.S. Bur. Mines Kept. Invest. 5497 (24pp.), 1959.
4. E. P. Bertin and R. J. Longobucco, “Sample-Preparation Methods for X-Ray Fluorescence Emission Spectrometry,” Norelco Reptr. 9:31–43, 1962.
5. E. L. Gunn, “X-Ray Spectrographic Analysis of Liquids and Solutions,” Am. Soc. Testing and Mater., Spec. Tech. Puhl 349: 70–85, 1964.