1. R. L. Krakowski, Proc. 3rd ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Santa Fe, NM (May 9–11, 1978 ).
2. U.S. D.O.E. Special Report, “Linear Magnetic Fusion: A Summary of the Workshop Held at Seattle, Washington,” March 9–11, 1977, CONF-770 386.
3. G. Sawyer, ed., “Workshop on End-Stoppering of Linear Magnetic Fusion Systems,” Sante Fe, NM (LASL Report) (Oct. 12–14, 1977 ).
4. See, for example, R. R. Bartsch, C. J. Buckenauer, E. L. Cantrell, J. N. Downing, B. L. Freeman, K. B. Freese, R. F. Gribble, I. Nenins, A. R. Jacobson, F. C. Jacoada, T. F. Jarboe, R. Kristal, G. Miller, W. E. Quinn, F. L. Ribe, A. R. Sherwood, R. E. Siemon, and K. S. Thomas, Proc. 6th IAEA Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden, Vol. II, p. 193 (1976).
5. R. A. Krakowski, F. L. Ribe, T. A. Coultas, and A. J. Hatch, USAEC Report LA-5536/ANL-8019 (1974).