1. M. Abramowitz and LA. Stegun (eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover publ. 1964.
2. R. Akers, E. Kant, C. Randall, S. Steinberg, and R. Young, “SciNapse: A Problem-Solving Environment for Partial Differential Equations,” IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 3, July-Sept. 1997, 32–42. (see http:/www.scicomp.com /publications)
3. G.O. Cook, Jr. “Code Generation in ALPAL using Symbolic Techniques,” Proc. ofISSAC92 ACM Press (1992), 27–35.
4. M.C. Dewar., Interfacing Algebraic and Numeric Computation, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Bath, U.K. available as Bath Mathematics and Computer Science Technical Report 92-54, 1992. See also Dewar, M.C. “IRENA — An Integrated Symbolic and Numerical Computational Environment,” Proc. ISSAC’89, ACM Press (1989) 171-179.
5. R. Fateman,. “Honest Plotting, Global Extrema, and Interval Arithmetic,” Proc. ISSAC’92 ACM Press, (1992) 216–223.