1. J. Krugers and Q. Reifenschweiler, Practical Instrumental Analysis, pp. 117–129, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam (1965).
2. D. Taylor, Neutron Irradiation and Activation Analysis, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J. (1964).
3. R. Gould, The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1967).
4. S. Upshinsky, How to make a nuclear spectrum hold still, Hewlett-Packard Journal, 22, No. 8 (April 1971).
5. J. Cross, J. Doub, and J. Stedman, On-line data reduction for nuclear analyzers, Hewlett-Packard Journal, 22, No. 7 (March 1971).