1. “Superconducting Magnet Coils for the Large Coil Program,” Phase 2 Final Report to Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tennessee by Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Contract 22X-31747C (March 31, 1980 ).
2. J. W. Morris, Jr., University of California, Berkeley, private communication (February 1980).
3. W. A. Logsdon, G. E. Grotke, R. E. Gold, and B. Lustman, Cryogenic tensile and fracture toughness properties of three candidate structural materials for the Large Coil Program superconducting magnet conductor sheath, in: “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering--Materials,” Vol. 28, Plenum Press, New York (1982), p. 771.
4. “Plane Strain Crack Toughness Testing of High Strength Metallic Materials,” W. F. Brown, Jr. and J. E. Srawley, eds., ASTM STP 410, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1966).
5. H. A. Ernst, Unified solution for J ranging continuously from pure bending to pure tension, unpublished research at Westinghouse R&D Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1981).