1. Liquid Sodium: Chemical and Physical Properties and Its Use in Nuclear Engineering (1962)-1967), Library Bibliography 128, English Electric Co., Whetstone, England (May, 1968 ).
2. A. W. Thorley and C. Tyzack, “The Corrosion of Steels and Nickel-Base Materials in Sodium-An Interim Report,”TRG Memorandum 4413 (C) (April, 1968 ).
3. Presented by W. S. Clough, “Free-Energy Calculations on the Reactions of Oxides and Iodides in Sodium,” J. Nuclear Energy 21, 225–232 (1967).
4. G. W. Horsley, “A Possible Galvanic Cell Method for Monitoring the Activity of Oxygen in a Hot-trapped Sodium Coolant Circuit,” AERE-R3037. (Nov., 1959; declassified Jan., 1961 ).
5. C. B. Alcock, “Determination of Oxygen in Fluids,” U.S. Patent 3,297,551 (issued Jan. 10, 1967 ).