1. A.Gatti, R.L.Mehan, M.J.Noone, “Development of a process for producing transparent spinel bodies,” General Electric Company, Final Report to Naval Air Systems Command, on Contract N00019-71 -C-0126, (December 1971).
2. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication No. 505 (ASTM-STP-505), (May 1972).
3. J.V. Mullin, R,L. Mehan, “Evaluation of composite failures through fracture signature analysis,” Journal of Test and Evaluation, JTEVA, 1 (3)f 215–219 (1973).
4. J. Kaiser, Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Hochschule, Munich, (1950)
5. also Arkiv fur das Eisenhuttenwesen, AREIA, Vol. 24, No. 1/2, (Jan/Feb 1953 ), pp. 43-45.