1. K. Siegbahn, Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam 1965, Chapter III.
2. K. Siegbahn, ESCA Atomic Molecular and Solid State Structure Studied by Means of Electron Spectroscopy, Almquist and Wiksells Uppsala 1968.
3. J. A. Bearden and J. S. Thomsen, “A Survey of Atomic Constants”, Nuovo Cimento 5: 267 (1957).
4. J. A. Bearden and A. F. Burr, “Reevaluation of X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 30:125 (1967).
5. J. A. Bearden and A. F. Burr, Atomic Energy Levels, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, NYO 2543–1, Oak Ridge, Term., 1965.