1. Stroud, L.E. Collins, J.G. Perkins and Stephens, European Conference on Ion Implantation ( Peter Peregrinus Ltd., England, 1970 ), 116.
2. L.E. Collins, J.G. Perkins and P.T. Stroud, Thin Films 4, 41 (1969).
3. P.T.Stroud, Thin Solid Films 11, 1 (1972)
4. L.E. Collins, P.A. O’Connell, J.G. Perkins, Pontet and P.T. Stroud, Nucl. Instr. Methods 92, 455 (1971).
5. Hiroshi Ishiwara and Seijiro Furukawa, this conference (V International Conference on Ion Implantation).