1. S. Schneider. Experiments in the Dynamic and Strategic Control of Cooperating Manipulators. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, September 1989. Also published as SUDAAR 586.
2. Harold L. Alexander. Experiments in Control of Satellite Manipulators. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford, CA 94305, December 1987.
3. Ross Koningstein, Marc Ullman, and Robert H. Cannon, Jr. Computed torque control of a free-flying cooperating-arm robot. In Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, Pasadena, CA, February 1989.
4. Yoji Umetani and Kazuya Yoshida. Experimental study on two dimensional free-flying robot satellite model. In Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1989.
5. Fumio Miyazaki Yasuhiro Masutani and Suguru Arimoto. Modeling and sensory feedback control for space manipulators. In Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1989.