1. P.W.E. Verhelst and N.F. Verster, “PEP, and interactive Programming system with an Algol-like programming language”, Software practice and experience, 14(2), pp 119–133, 1984.
2. Brad J. Cox, “Object-oriented programming - An evolutionary appproach”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp., Reading, 1986.
3. J.H. Voskamp, F.C. van Nijmweegen and A.J. van der Wal, “PHYDAS: a versatile architecture for data acquisition and control in physics experiments”, submitted to Microprocessors and Microsystems.
4. L.J. Pinson, R.S. Wiener, “An introduction to object-oriented programming and Smalltalk, pp 29–30, Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp., Reading, 1988.
5. INMOS, Datasheet, 72TRN100 02, April 1987.