1. A. Church, “A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types”, Journal of Symbolic Logic 5, 1940
2. A. Cohn and M. Gordon, “A Mechanized Proof of Correctness of a Simple Counter”, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, Tech. Report No. 94, 1986
3. W. J. Cullyer and C. H. Pygott, “Hardware Proofs using LCF_LSM and ELLA”, RSRE Memo. 3832, Sept. 1985
4. W. J. Cullyer, “Viper Microprocessor: Formal Specification”, RSRE Report 85013, Oct. 1985
5. W. J. Cullyer, “Viper — Correspondence between the Specification and the ‘Major State Machine’ ”, RSRE report No. 86004, Jan. 1986