1. Colour Index, 2nd ed., p. 1405, 1956, The Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford; The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Lowell, Mass., USA.
2. Briggs, H. and F. L. Goodall, J.S.D.C., 1939, 55, 354
3. F. L. Goodall and R. Hullah, J.S.D.C., 1940, 56, 218
4. F. L. Goodall and C. Hobday, J.S.D.C., 1940, 56, 384.
5. Rowe, F. M., E. Race and J. B. Speakman, J.S.D.C., 1946, 62, 372.