1. Korpel, A., “Visualization of the Cross-Section of a Sound Beam for Bragg Diffraction of Light,” Appl, Phys. Letters, 9:425–427 (15 December 1966)
2. Wade, G, C. J. Landry and A. A. deSouza, “Acoustic Transparencies for Optical Imaging and Ultrasonic Diffraction,” presented at the First International S3nnposium on Acoustical Holography, Huntington Beach, Calif., 1967 [Subsequently published in Acoustical Holography, edited by A. F. Metherell, H.M.A. El-Sum, and Lewis Larmore (Plenum Press, Inc., New York, 1969), Vol. I].
3. Cole, J, H,, et al.. Previous paper in this volume.
4. Pierce, D. T, and R. L. Byer, “Experiments on the Interaction of Light and Sound for the Advanced Laboratory,” Am. J. Phys., Vol. 41, p. 314 (1973).
5. Bhatia A. B. and W. J. Noble, “Diffraction of Light by Ultrasonic Waves: I. General Theory and II. Approximate Expression for the Intensities and Comparison with Experiment,” Proc. Royal Soc., Vol. A220, pp. 356–385, 1953.