1. G. J. McCarthy, Solid State Chemical Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal, Final Report, NSF Contract GK-27781, 32, The Pennsylvania State University, (1973).
2. G. J. McCarthy, “Atomic Level Isolation,” Quarterly Progress Report, Waste Fixation Program, Jan.-March, DOE Report BNWL-1826, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 43 (J. L. McElroy, ed., 1974 ).
3. G.J. McCarthy, Nucl. Technol. 32, 92-104 (1977).
4. G. J. McCarthy, W. B. White and D. E. Pfoertsch, Mat. Res. Bull. 13, 1239-1245 (1978).
5. G. J. McCarthy and M.T. Davidson, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 54, 782786 (1975).