1. F. Girardi, A. Avogadro, G. Bertozzi, M. d’Alessandro, F. Lanza and N. C. Murray, IAEA-SM-243/161, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1979).
2. A. Saltelli, A. Avogadro and G. Bertozzi, Proc. of NEA/CEC Workshop on the Migration of Long-lived Radionuclides in the Geosphere., Brussels 29–31 January 1979, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Publications (1979).
3. A. Avogadro, C. N. Murray and A. De Plano, Proc. of NEA/CEC Workshop on the Migration of Long-lived Radionuclides in the Geosphere, Brussels 29–31 Janauary 1979, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Publications (1979).
4. R. Heremans, CEN-Mol (Belgium), personal communication.
5. Yu. P. Davydov, Radioknimiya 9, 99–109 (1967).