1. J. W. Braithwaite and J. K. Johnstone, “Chemical Durability and Characterization of Nuclear Waste Forms in a Hydrothermal Environment,” Paper VI-7, Proceedings of the Symposium on Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management, American Ceramics Society, Cincinnati, May (1979).
2. J. E. Mendel, Annual Report on the Characteristics of High Level Waste Glasses, BNWL-2252, June (1977).
3. J. H. Westsik and R. P. Turcotte, Hydrothermal Reactions of Nuclear Waste Solids, PNL-2759, September (1978).
4. G. J. McCarthy, Reaction of Water with a Simulated High Level Nuclear Waste Glass at 300°C, 300 Bars, DOE Report SA-35, Rockwell Hanford Operations (1978).
5. J. W. Braithwaite and M. A. Molecke, “Nuclear Waste Canister Corrosion Studies Pertinent to Geologic Isolation,” Chemical and Nuclear Waste 1(1), in press (1980).