1. Fidler, J.C., Wilkinson, B.G., Edney, K.L. and Sharpies, R.O. (1973) The Biology of Apple and Pear Storage. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, London.
2. Wills, R.B.H., McGlasson, W.B., Graham, D., Lee, T.H. and Hall, E.G. (1989) Post Harvest. New South Wales University Press, Kensington, New South Wales.
3. Thompson, A.K. (1996) Postharvest Technology of Fruit and Vegetables. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
4. Genesis 41.
5. Dalrymple, D.G. (1967) The Development of Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruit. Publ. Div. Mktg Utiln Sci., US Dept. of Agriculture.