1. W. H. Bostick, V. Nardi, W. Prior, J. Plasma Phys. 8 (1972) p. 7.
2. W. H. Bostick, V. Nardi, W. Prior, Proc. 6-th Fur. Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Phys., Moscow 1973; Vol. 2. p. 395. FWHM = full width half maximum.
3. H. Conrads, D. Gollwitzer, H. Schmidt, same as Ref. 2, Vol. 1, p. 367.
4. R. S. Post, Ph. D. Thesis 1973, Plasma Lab., Columbia Univ. Rep. No. 59, 1973, New York
5. W. H. Bostick, V. Nardi, W. Prior, Annals N. Y. Acad. of Sci., Vol. 251, Proc. Conf. Plasma Confinement and Relativistic Electron Beams, N. Y., March 1974, p. 2.