1. Peake, D.J.; Tobak, M.: Three-dimensional Interactions and Vortical Flows with Emphasis on High Speeds. NASA TM 81169, 1980, also AGARDograph 252, 1980.
2. Ashley, H.; and Landahl, M.T.: Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies. Adison-Wesley Publ. Co. Inc., 1965.
3. Sytsma, H.A.; Hewitt, B.L.; Rubbert, P.E.: A Comparison of Panel Methods for Subsonic Flow Computation. AGARD AG 241, 1979.
4. Holst, T.L.; Slooff, J.W.; Yoshihara, H.; Ballhaus Jr., W.F.: Applied Computational Transonic Aerodynamics. AGARDograph 266, 1982.
5. Polhamus, E.C.: Applying Slender Wing Benefits to Military Aircraft. J. Aircraft, Vol. 21, No.8, 1984, pp. 545–559.