1. Abilene Daily Reporter. (1911, February 13). Edison works on birthday; Wizard of West Orange remains in laboratory at 64 and employees take holiday. Abilene Daily Reporter. Abilene, TX.
2. Adams, H. B. (1896). Chautauqua: A social and educational study. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1894–95, Volume 1, Part 1: 977-1065.
3. Albion, M. (2008). The Florida life of Thomas Edison. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
4. Algona Republican. (1896, October 14). How the wife of Edison enters into his labors and triumphs. Algona Republican, Algona, IA.
5. Altoona Mirror. (1913, August 26). Edison takes vacation. Altoona Mirror. Altoona, PA.