1. F. P. Boody, “Remote Pumping of Solid-State Lasers Pumped by Remotely-Located Nuclear-Driven Fluorescers,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering Program, University of Missouri-Columbia, August 1991.
2. F. P. Boody, and M. A. Prelas, “Very High Average Power Solid-State Lasers Pumped by Remotely-Located Nuclear-Driven Fluorescers”, Advanced Solid-State Lasers, Optical Society of America (To be Published 1991).
3. Gu G., Kunze J. F., Boody F. P., and Prelas M. A., “A UF6 fueled Visible Nuclear-Pumped Flashlamp”, Space Nuclear Power Systems 1988, M. S. El-Genk and M. Hoover, editors, Orbit Book Company, 153-160(1989).
4. D. Pappas, Seminar on Fusion Neutrons As an Excitation source For a Xe Excimer Laser, US-Japan Seminar on Laser Fusion, Honolulu Hawaii, August, 1988.
5. M. A. Prelas, “A Potential Fusion Light Bulb For Energy Conversion,” Poster Paper APS Meeting on Plasma Physics October 11-16, 1981, Butt. Am. Phys. Son.. 26(7), 1045 (1981); APS Press Release picked up by AP and story reported by various newspapers worldwide (See for example Washington Missourian, Washington, Missouri, Wednesday. January 6, 1982, page 7 or Inside R & D Vol. 10, Number 41, October 14, 1981).