1. Progress Reports Physics Division PR-P-96, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario AECL-4428 (p-18).
2. Proceedings of the 1974 Annual Conference of the Nuclear Target Development Society, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario AECL-5503 (p-172).
3. S. Takeuchi, C. Kobayashi, Y. Satoh, T. Yoshida, E. Takekoshi, and M. Maruyama, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 158 (1979) 333.
4. D. W. L. Tolfree, D. S. Whitmell, and B. H. Armitage, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 163 (1979) 1.
5. D. S. Whitmell, B. H. Armitage, D. W. L. Tolfree, and N. R. S. Tait, Daresbury Laboratory DL/NSF/P 86 (accelerator).