1. Savage, F. K., Monthly Rev., Am. Electroplaters’ Soc., 29, 301–308 (1942).
2. Thews, E. R., Metal Finishing, 46, (3), 68–75; ibid. (4), 61–66, 75; ibid. (5), 74–79 (1948).
3. Blum, Wm., and Hogaboom, G. B., “Principles of Electroplating and Electroforming,” 3d Ed., p. 298, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1949).
4. Weisberg, L., and Graham A. K., Trans. Electrochem. Soc., 80, 514–515 (1941).
5. Eckhardt, R., Metal Finishing, 38, 313–314 (1940).