1. Accident Facts and Figures, 1978 edition, National Safety Council, Chicago.
2. National Center for Health Statistics, 1979, Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, United States, 1978. DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 80–1551. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Hyattsville, Md.
3. Droller, H., 1955, Falls and accidents in a random sample of elderly people living at home in: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Association of Gerontologists (London, 1954 ), Old Age in the Modern World, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
4. Gryfe, C. I., Amies, A., and Ashley, M. J., 1977, A longitudinal study of falls in an elderly population: I. Incidence and morbidity. Age Ageing 6: 201, 1977.
5. National Safety Council. Accident Facts, 1980 Edition, National Safety Council, Chicago.