1. R. Atar. Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering of diffusion processes in non-compact domain. To appear in Annals of Probability.
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3. A. Bhatt, A. Budhiraja and R. Karandikar, Markov property and ergodicity of the nonlinear filter, University of Notre Dame Report. Submitted for publication, 1999.
4. A. Budhiraja and H. J. Kushner. Approximation and limit results for nonlinear filters over an infinite time interval, Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems Report. To appear SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 1999.
5. A. Budhiraja and H. J. Kushner. Approximation and limit results for nonlinear filters over an infinite time interval: Part II, random sampling algorithms, Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems Report. To appear SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 1999.