1. E.F. Parker, et al., Phys. Rev. Letters 31, (1973) 783 and J.R. O’Fallon, et al., Phys. Rev. Letters 32, (1974) 77.
2. T. Khoe, et al., Particle Accelerators (to be published).
3. A.D. Krisch, “Experiments with Polarized Beams and Targets”, in Proceedings of the 1972 Canadian Institute of Particle Physics Summer School, edited by R. Henzi and B. Margolis (McGill University, Montreal, 1972) p. 209.
4. L.G. Ratner, private communication.
5. A. Yokosawa, “An Experimental Program for p-p Scattering Amplitude Measurements”, in Proceedings of the Argonne Symposium on High Energy Physics with Polarized Beams, edited by G. Thomas and A. Yokosawa, Argonne Report ANL/HEP-7440 (1974) p. XIII-1.