1. Andruskiewitsch, N., On the complicatedness of the pair (g,K), Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 2 1 (1989), 12–28.
2. A new proof of Tirao’s Restriction Theorem,Revista de la UMA (To appear).
3. Computing some rings of invariants,Proceedings of the IX ELAM (To appear).
4. Andruskiewitsch, N., Tirao, J., A Restriction Theorem for modules having a spherical submodule,Trans. AMS (To appear).
5. Brega, O.A. and Tirao, J. A., A property of a distinguished class of K-modules associated to the classical rank one semisimple Lie algebras,Proc. oof the IX ELAM ( To appear).