1. G. Snitchler, R. Jayakumar, V. Kovachev, and D. Orrell, “Design and A.C. Loss Considerations for the 60mm. Dipole Magnet in the High Energy Booster.” Supercollider 3, edited by J. Nonte, Plenum Press N.Y. 1991, p. 625.
2. W.J. Carr, Jr., “AC Loss and Macroscopic Theory of Superconductors,” Gordon and Breach, N.Y., (1983) Ch. 6.
3. G. Morgan and W.B. Sampson, SSC Tech Note #76, SSC-N-519, June 10, 1988.
4. W.J. Carr, Jr., op. cit. p. 73. The factor y1/R0 in this reference can to good approximation be replaced by I/Ic.
5. G.T. Mallick, Jr., J.M. Toms, W.J. Carr, Jr., G. Snitchler, V. Kovachev, and R. Jayakumar, “Results of AC Loss Measurements on SSC Conductors,” Supercollider 3, edited by J. Nonte, Plenum Press, N.Y. 1991, p. 695.