1. T.Sato, “Industrial and Medical Application of Nonlinear Acoustics”, Frontiers of Nonlinear Acoustics, 12th ISNA M.F.Hamilton Ed. Elsevier Applied Science, P96 (1990) (Invited paper).
2. T.Sato, E.Mori, et al. “A Few Effective Signal Processings for Reflection-Type Imaging of Nonlinear Parameter N of Soft Tissues” Acoustical Imaging, Vol. 19, p363, H.Ermert and H.Harjes Ed. Plenum Press (1992).
3. W.Ma, T.Sato, et al. “Application of Nonlinear Dependence of Sound Velocity on Stress for Estimation of Elastic Deformation Limit Inside of Metal” Nondestructive Testing, Vol.41, No.7, p414 (1992) (in Japanese)
4. K.Yamashita, T.Sato and K.Jhang, “Simultaneous Imaging of Movability,Nonlinearity and Reflectivity of Soft Tissue” 17th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Arlington (June, 1992)
5. H.Ninoyu, T.Sato, K.Jhang and Y.Kosugi, “Nonlinear Elasto-Acoustics Applied Measuring System”, 14th International Congress on Acoustics, Beijin (Sept., 1992)