1. Aquadag colloidal suspensions may be obtained from Acheson Colloids Co., 1607 Washington Avenue, P.O. Drawer 611747, Port Huron, MI 48061–1747.
2. Organometallic paints containing either Pt or Au may be obtained from the Hanovia Division of Engelhard Industries, 1 West Central Avenue, East Newark, NJ 07029. These paints contain the metal chemically bound with organic ligands which are thermally unstable.
3. R. Gomer, Field Emission and Field Ionization, (AIP, American Institute of Physics, 1993), pp. 169–170.
4. J. Burns and E. Yelke, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 40, 1236 (1969).
5. R. Gomer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 24, 993 (1953).