1. L.D. Faddeev, “Integrable models in 1+1 dimensional quantum field theory”, Les Houches Lecture 1982, Eds. J. Zuber and R. Stora (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984)
2. P.P. Kulish and N.Yu. Reshetikhin, Zapiski Nauchn. Semin. LOMI 95, 129 (1980), English translation J.Soviet.Math. 23, 2435 (1983)
3. E.K. Sylvanin, Funct.Anal.Appl. 16, 263 (1982)
4. V.G. Drinfeld, Sov.Math.Dokl. 32, 254 (1985);
5. Proc. ICM-86, Berkeley (1987)