1. American Institute of Public Opinion (AIPO), The Gallup Opinion Index. Princeton, N.J.: November 1974; May, 1975; February, 1978.
2. Armor, D. J. Segregation and desegregation in the San Diego Schools. Unpublished manuscript, December 1976.
3. Armor, D.J. Offer of proof in reference to the testimony of David J. Armor. in Crawford v. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles. Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, No. C822 854, June 6, 1977, Exhibit C.
4. Armor, D. J. White flight, demographic transition, and the future of school desegregation. The Rand Corporation, August 1978.
5. Coleman, J. S., Kelly, S. D., & Moore, J. A., Trends in school segregation, 1968–73, An Urban Institute Paper, UI 722-03-01, August 1975.