1. М. М. Student, V. М. Dovhunyk, М. D. Klapkiv, V. М. Posuvailo, V. V. Shmyrko, and А. Р. Kytsya, "Tribological properties of combined metal-oxide-ceramic layers on light alloys," Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater., 48, No. 2, 55-65 (2012)
2. English translation: Mater. Sci., 48, No. 2, 180-190 (2012).
3. T. R. Stupnyts'kyi, M. M. Student, H. V. Pokhmurs'ka, and V. M. Hvozdets'kyi, "Optimization of the chromium content of powder wires of the Fe-Cr-C and Fe-Cr-B systems according to the corrosion resistance of electric-arc coatings," Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater., 52, No. 2, 23-29 (2016)
4. English translation: Mater. Sci., 52, No. 2, 165-172 (2016).
5. B. Wielage, H. Pokhmurska, M. Student, V. Gvozdeckii, T. Stupnyckyj, and V. Pokhmurskii, “Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures,” Surf. Coat. Technol.,
220, 27–35 (2013).