1. Ashby, F. G. & Townsend, J. T.Decomposing the reaction time distribution: Pure insertion and selective influence revisited. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1979.
2. Burbeck, S. L.Recovering decision latency distributions from reaction time experiments. Paper presented at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, University Park, Penn., June 1977.
3. Kohfeld, D. L., Santee, J. L. & Wallace, N. D.Loudness and reaction time: II. Identification of detection components at different intensities and frequencies. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1979.
4. Mylander, W. C., Holmes, R. L. & McCormick, G. P.A guide to SUMT-version 4: The computer program implementing the sequential unconstrained minimization technique for nonlinear programming. (Paper RAC-P-63). McLean, Va.: Research Analysis Corporation, 1973.
5. Vorberg, D.On the equivalence of parallel and serial models of information processing. Paper presented at the meeting of the Mathematical Psychology Group, Los Angeles, Calif., August 1977.