1. Ilyushin AA (1958) Nekitorye voprosy teorii plasticheskogo techeniya [Some aspects of the plasticity flow theory]. Izv Akad Sci USSR OTN 2: 64–86
2. Ilyushin AA (1954) Voprosy techeniya plasticheskogo veshchestva po poverkhostyam [Aspects of the plastic continuum flow along the surfaces]. Prikl Mat Mech 18(3): 265–288
3. Ilyushin AA (1948) Plastichnost’. Ch.1. Uprugo-plasticheskie deformatsii [Plasticity. Part 1. Elastic-plastic deformations]. OGIZ GITTL, Moscow
4. Ilyushin AA (1954) O svyazi mezhdu napryazheniyami i malymi deformatsiyami v mekhanike sploshnykh sred [On the relations between stress and infinitesimal strain in the continuum mechanics]. Prikl Mat Mech 18(6): 641–666
5. Ilyushin AA (1963) Plastichnost’. Osnovy obshchej matematicheskoj teorii [Plasticity. Basics of general mathematical theory]. Akad Sci USSR Press, Moscow