1. B. Curtis, M. I. Kellner, and J. Over. Process modelling. CACM, 35(9):75–90, Sept. 1992.
2. C. A. Ellis, S. J. Gibbs, and G. L. Rein. Groupware: some issues and experiences. CACM, 34(1):39–58, Jan. 1991.
3. P. H. Feiler and W. S. Humphrey. Software development and enactment: concepts and definitions. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Software Process, pages 28–40, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
4. C. Fernström. Process WEAVER: adding process support to Unix. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Software Process, pages 12–26, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
5. V. Gruhn. Software process management and business process (re)engineering. In B. Warboys, editor, Proc. 3rd European Workshop on Software Process Technology, pages 250–253, Villard de Lance, France, Feb. 1994. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 772.